Friday, October 10, 2003

The Great Pumpkin [ARCHIVE]

When people tell you that having a baby will change every aspect of your life, you think they have to be kidding on some level. I mean, SOME parts of your life have to remain the same... even if it's just some of the mundane details, right??? WRONG. Every part of your former routine is turned on its head. Case in point, the news section of our family website. Who knew it would suddenly become so difficult to keep it updated with any sort of regularity??? But, hey, at least I'm here now. This, in and of itself, is quite an accomplishment. Trust us. The baby is sleeping.. for how long, who knows? But at the moment, he is engaged in a "quickly-becoming-all-too-rare daytime nap". Just don't breathe too loud. Thanks.

Life continues along. Jack is sleeping through the night, saints be praised, so at least we are no longer sleep deprived. That's not to say we're not still exhausted, mind you... just not sleep deprived. There IS a difference. But, I digress.... we are getting into a nice little family routine, and though T is working all too hard to keep his family in pampers, and we see little of each other some days, we are generally happy and contented.

Jack had his 8 week check up a few weeks ago (he's 11 weeks old now, you can do the math) and he was a healthy and kicking 14 lbs 3 oz. By now, he is up to around 15 pounds. He's not fat, he's just... thick. A very healthy kid. Anyway, T is working like a stevador, and I have started back at the hospital 1 day a week. It's a nice break for me, and a healthy shot in the arm for the family income.

Today, Grandmommy Kistler, Aunt Kerri, cousin Abby, Jack and I all went to the pumpkin patch. The kids had a great time, and were a smash in their matching Halloween outfits (thank you Grandmommy!!).