Monday, August 02, 2004

What a difference a year makes... [ARCHIVE]

Jack celebrated his first birthday on July 24, and a grand time was had by all at his fiesta. He got lots of great gifts, and is currently working feverishly to finish his thank you cards. Thanks to everyone who joined us to celebrate!

Jack celebrated his own birthday by giving his parents a gift. On Sunday, July 25, Jack stood on his own two feet - unassisted!!! Walking is soon to follow, so the move is coming not a moment too soon - just in time for him to have a playroom to run wild in. *grin*

Packing continues for the move on Saturday. We settled on our house one week ago, and as of Saturday we will take posession. (assuming we can get everything packed and moved in time.) I will make updates as they become available, but if any local muscle is available to lift boxes and heft furniture onto the U-Haul truck, we'll make itmore than worth your while in pizza and beer.