Monday, June 06, 2005

Super duper slacking..... [ARCHIVE]

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted an update, and so much has happened in the last few months it's hard to know where to begin... so let's just hit the hilights, shall we?

-We're pregnant. Yes, baby boy Kistler #2 is due October 14. I'm big, I'm round, and I can still shake it to the ground! Oh yeah!

-Congrats to my big brother Andy on graduating from Medical School... Doctor, we salute you... and we're glad you'll be a pediatric psych specialist, so you can unravel the mess we'll be making of our children. Jack could probably use a little therapy already.....

-Had a chance to visit with my folks, my sister Jenn and my brother Joe, who all came into town for the aforementioned graduation. It was a blast guys, and we'll see you in July.

-Redecorated the upstairs bathroom. This included a new peel and stick tile floor, all new hardware (except the faucet, which will have to wait till we feel like blowing $50 on something so frivolous) and new linens. It's still baby-poop brown-yellow, but all in all it looks pretty darn good.

Those are the hilights. I'm another year older (26 as of April 5) and several pounds heavier, thanks to my little tenant. He's kicking away, and generally in perfect condition according to all tests and such. Jack will be turning 2 at the end of July, and Trip will be turning 27 in about a month. Time marches on...

Here's the summary for today:

Diapers Changed: 4
Puppy accidents cleaned up: 3
Pop Tarts Eaten: 1
Milk Drunk: 12oz
Times Jack said "Oh No!": 78314792151235321
Episodes of SpongeBob watched: 2

That about sums it up. I spent most of the day running virus scans on my laptop to complete the clean-up process that has been ongoing for most of the last week, since I got infected with 54328648326 Trojan and Worm virii. Installed Windows Service Pack 2, installed AOL and got McAfee up and running (bless you, McAfee. Bless you and your virus-shredding ones and zeros... Bless your cold, merciless heart.)

I promise to be better about updating. Really. It's my goal now. Besides, we're going on a hot-air balloon ride this weekend, and one really has an obligation to report back on something like that. I even got a doctor's note so I can tote my pregnant tush up in the basket. And I think I've stayed under the specified weight limit for the nice balloon operator to remove some of the sand bag weights on my account. Because, really.. if he has to take off sand bags for me not to weight the thing down, I'd really rather just skip it. It's the same reason I refuse to buy clothes above a certain size... If I have to "go there", it's better to just live in a potato sack and lose some weight. Seriously.