Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Rock...Don't Run... [ARCHIVE]

The last week has been a "eureka" for our little Jack Thomas. As many of you know, he will be 9 months old in just 10 days. He has been sitting up, rail straight, since he was about 4 months old... he learned to roll from front to back, then from back to front... but would do so only very rarely. We weren't worried... not really. But we did wonder if Jack-the-amazing-wonder-baby was perhaps lacking in motivation to get mobile. Then, when we were least expecting it, our little man pulled a fast one. Literally. He figured out how to push up on his hands and scoot backwards. Within hours, he was backward-scooting across great distances.

SO, as of Monday, he had pulled up onto his knees and could perch on all fours. Then, yesterday, with much ado and fanfare, he started rocking. For those of you unfamiliar with the progression of man on the road to biped, this means in the next week or two we can expect a whole new world to open up for the man as he begins to officially crawl.

We will now kill the fatted sweet potato, and there shall be much rejoicing throughout the land....and much purchasing of baby gates, and electrical outlet covers, and toilet seat locks, and corner pads, and.......

Thursday, April 01, 2004

We're Expecting... Again!!! [ARCHIVE]

In case the above title caught your attention, may I please call your attention to the date. April Fool's! Heh. Okay, Moms, you can stop hyperventilating now. Really....I was just kidding.

I promise.

The big news of the week (maybe even the year...) is that T has just accepted an offer to work for (INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER)!! We're quite ecstatic around here, as this means his commute will be cut down from 90 minutes each way to about 15 minutes... he will no longer be on perpetual business travel.. and there is potential for growth and advancement in his new position! This is all very very good stuff, in case you missed that point. *grin*

In other news, we took a little trip downtown on Sunday to see the cherry blossoms, which were fantastic. We meant to go last year, but between the pregnancy and the rain, it was a scratched idea. This year was truly spectacular, though, and we enjoyed the day out as a family.