Thursday, April 01, 2004

We're Expecting... Again!!! [ARCHIVE]

In case the above title caught your attention, may I please call your attention to the date. April Fool's! Heh. Okay, Moms, you can stop hyperventilating now. Really....I was just kidding.

I promise.

The big news of the week (maybe even the year...) is that T has just accepted an offer to work for (INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER)!! We're quite ecstatic around here, as this means his commute will be cut down from 90 minutes each way to about 15 minutes... he will no longer be on perpetual business travel.. and there is potential for growth and advancement in his new position! This is all very very good stuff, in case you missed that point. *grin*

In other news, we took a little trip downtown on Sunday to see the cherry blossoms, which were fantastic. We meant to go last year, but between the pregnancy and the rain, it was a scratched idea. This year was truly spectacular, though, and we enjoyed the day out as a family.

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