Wednesday, March 10, 2004

The Weather Is Confused [ARCHIVE]

One week ago the weather was nice, beautiful even. The sun was shining, it was nearly 60 degrees, and it seemed for all the world as if spring was finally going to make an appearance and put an end to the long, gray winter. Alas, it was not to be. Today.. it snowed.

T spent 2 weeks in Montgomery, AL, on business.... so Jack and I were tucked safely away at home (except on the nice days.. those days made for excellent stroller weather, and were taken full advantage of.) He finally made it home, and our little family is reunited at last. We have been enjoying having Trip home (he took a few days off so as to reacquaint himself with his son.) and we are all settling back into being a family unit.

Spring always seems like a time for new beginnings, but this year things are in a bit of a rut for our little family. Ah well... perhaps there is a fresh start just around the corner and out of sight. We can always hope. Now, if this dreary winter weather will kindly GO AWAY (thank you.)... then we can get on with the business of enjoying a new year. I'm ready for the sun shine!

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