Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Cabin Fever [ARCHIVE]

January is nearly at an end.. but winter, it seems, is just beginning. With the snow piling up outside and the ice growing thicker and thicker, it seems we can plan to spend more quiet evenings at home with a warm beverage and lots of blankets. Thank heavens for warm winter socks.

We plod onward, but nary a bit of news to report. Life has settled into the snuggly grasp of the cold, and we spend most of our time enjoying each others' company while huddled together for warmth. (literally.) We are still anxiously awaiting the eruption of Jack's second bottom incisor, which is stubbornly refusing to come through. This, of course, makes for some stressful and fussy evenings, but all in all he's still the coolest baby around.

We hope everyone is staying warm. Don't forget to give us a call or drop us a line - we may be hermits, but we're not entirely adverse to outside company. :)

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