Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Upon the Dawn of Chaos [ARCHIVE]

I have an odd habit. When I am overwhelmed or feeling especially stressed, I tend to emote upon my hair. Hence, the above photo. Black is the one color I hadn't tried out yet, so here it is. It may not last long, but it's kicky for the moment.

Jack is pulling up on everything in sight, and has learned to use his finger to make his lips go "bububububububub". It gives us no end of hilarity. His first birthday is coming up, and our little man is very excited to be 1. I have no idea where the last year has gone.. but gone it has. Hopefully by the next one, life will be a bit less frantic... I can hope, anyway. (Don't burst my bubble... yet. Allow me to live in my little fantasy land where life will some day be a little easier. Thank you.)

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