Friday, September 24, 2004

14 Months Old! [ARCHIVE]

Jack is exactly 14 months old today... and the time has flown! We are settling in to life here in West VA, and we LOVE our new house. Jack is so happy to have room to play!!!

He has already had visits from BOTH sets of grandparents (a surprise one from my parents, who flew out from Utah) and we have started to make some friends in the neighborhood. It has been a big adjustment for T, but with some books on tape he is turning his morning commute into an educational experience.

SO, all is well, it seems, in our little world. Jack has taken his first steps and we are waiting to see if he will get walking sorted out in time to greet Trick-Or-Treaters on Halloween. Keep your fingers crossed, and hopefully I'll updating more often now as things have settled down a good bit..

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