Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Jack & Me & Baby Makes 3

The weather today was amazing. Incredible. It was one of those days where you say to yourself, "Self... it is now officially November, and it is 70 degrees outside". It was SO nice, in fact, that I actually got myself dressed, got Jack dressed, got Toby into the snuggly carrier, and hauled the three of us out to the mailbox. (This may not sound too impressive, but our mailbox is part of a cluster of boxes and therefore several blocks away... so checking the mail is no stroll to the end of the driveway for us...)

Jack held tightly to my hand and together we walked, naming colors of the grass and sky, counting to 10, and reciting our ABC's. Toby slept soundly, all warm and snuggled on my chest, and a breeze ruffled through the trees and made the wind chimes tinkle as though it were a spring day.

At that instant, I thought to myself.. "THIS is Motherhood." And for a shining moment, I was entirely, serenely at peace.

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