Sunday, December 09, 2007

The Better Part Of Valor, Part Deux

Sometimes you have to laugh at life. Which I would, but the laughing causes pain beyond what the percocet can control.

That stomach pain that crashed in on me on Thursday? It got worse... before it got MUCH worse. Finally, I dropped the boys off with a friend and drove myself over to ye olde small towne Emergency Room.

Approximately 6 hours later I was strapped to an operating table with my abdomen laid open.

Needless to say, I missed my appointment with the spine center for my injection. I was too busy having my appendix removed.

It wasn't all doom and gloom, though. T's Mom came to the hospital and looked after me while I did my best not to scream obscenities in several different languages in response to the incredible pain. The boys were incredibly well cared for, had their first sleep-over at a friend's, and made me the cutest Get Well cards ever.

Big Daddy T, himself, hopped the next plane home from Singapore and arrived late yesterday to take over the care and feeding of one groggy and whimpering Me. My Moms Club is bringing in dinner for the next few days.

So, I'm loopy from the pain meds and generally feeling like I've been put through the spin cycle a few times. But! I'm alive and mostly none the worse for wear. We got the appendix out in time (the surgeon says another 12 hours and it would have burst, which I've been told is Really Not Good) and I'm settling in to take a nap in front of a movie with T and the boys.

All in all, after a scary and painful couple of days, it's quiet now and all is just about right with the world.

More later - though probably not until after I am done with pain meds. This attempting to think and put together sentences through the fuzzy cloud is making me nauseous.

1 comment:

riese said...

I need that label.

Heal, grasshopper, best wishes.