Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Do you know what scared me today?  That I realized I forgot to fax in my forms for BlogHer Ads.  (Hi! If you are reading this, I am sending them today. Please don't burn then in effigy to my stupidity. Thanks!)
Yes, I will hopefully be adding a little adverts column over there <--- or perhaps over there --->
Moving right along...
Here is what you came here for.  I know you don't want to hear from me right now, because even I don't want to hear from me. (Except to share that the pediatrician confirmed Jack's ear infection this morning.  FUN! Games! Excitement! PUS!) Excuse my sarcasm, apparently someone forgot to put the magic happy dust in my coffee this morning.  I'll try to find it by tonight, otherwise my happy clown costume will have to be a sad clown instead.... and nobody likes the sad clown, do they?
Here are the photos from Jack's school carnival last week.  I'll try to take more costume photos of the kids at trick-or-treats tonight, but I make no promises because I am still coughing up green fraggles.  I might need to go to the doctor myself, but I'm running on Dr. Allie's "you are only sick if you acknowledge you are sick" theory, which only works if you are someone who should totally know better. 

This public service message brought to you by the number Q.  Also, I might need to go lay down now.  But first, here's one more photo of Milo... because I can't help myself.


Katie said...

I love the costumes! Baby Milo is adorable! Kiss his cheeks for me.

Lady Bardfan said...

Hi Melissa from your AZ relatives! What great pictures. I look forward to catching up with you and your family. Love, Aunt Leslie and Uncle Bruce

Shannon said...

He is Sooooo cute! Love the cheeks!
