Monday, March 23, 2009

A Year Without Fear.

Dear Friends, Family, and Peoples of the Internets... Stay at Aum Mom is about to be forever changed. (Both the site and myself.)  And this is going to be big.  
Ready? * Deep Breath * Here goes...

On April 5 I will be 30 years old.  
In the last decade I have been through many transformations.  I have gone through the painful process of fleshing out who I am, what I believe, and where I want to be.  I have spent the last several years (and many dollars in therapy) identifying and acknowledging that I am, in many ways, controlled by my fears.  I inherited an oft-crippling anxiety from my mother, and a compulsive perfectionism from my father.  That's not a judgment on them, but rather an objective observation.
I have never given myself permission to fail.  If failure seemed a likely possibility, I have simply refused to try.  When I have tried, I have been dogged by the constant anxiety that I might make a mistake.  When I have made mistakes or failed at anything I have engaged in the most brutal mental self-flagellation imaginable.
Yes, on April 5 I will be 30 years old.  
For one entire year I am going to wake up every day and look at my life from a new perspective.  I am going to say "yes" to some things I would have said no to before, and I will say "no" to some things I would have agreed to in the past.
I am going to embrace new challenges, and I am not going to let myself quit out of fear of failure.  
I hereby declare this year my Year Without Fear.  In ways big and small, I am going to change my life.  I am going to change my self.  I am going to make an action out of my motto - "Live Life On Purpose".
So what does this all mean? (You and Big Daddy are asking the same question, believe me.)
To begin with, it doesn't mean anything too drastic.  I'm going to start with small things.  I'm going to maybe sometimes wear lipstick.  Did you know I don't really wear lipstick? I wear lip gloss in sheer shades, or lip balm.  Why? I suppose because I have always equated lipstick (especially bright lipstick) with confidence.  It always strikes me as a "look at me" sort of thing to do.  As if a nose ring and occasionally technicolor hair don't make the same statement.  See? I know that it's a silly thing.  It's a small thing.  But for me, it's a big thing.  It's something I have not allowed myself to do.  So I'm going to do it. 
I'm going to stop screening my phone calls, stop fearing the phone in general. I'm going to start wearing high heels again -- something I have stopped doing almost entirely since having babies. 
The idea is to start small, but to face every day with the attitude that I will not allow fear or anxiety to overrule reason in making any decision, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.
I'm also giving myself permission to screw this up from time to time.  Because I am human (rumors to the contrary have been greatly exaggerated) and because another of my great, irrational fears comes from the knee-jerk response of blaming myself for everything that goes wrong.  
So this year I'm going to be more forgiving of myself.  I'm going to work harder, be braver, and laugh louder.
To top off my adventure, next year -- just before my 31st Birthday -- I will participate in St. Baldrick's Day, 2010.  I'm going to attend an official event and shave my head to raise funds to help cure childhood cancers.  I've always wanted to wear cute hats, but always been too self-conscious to go for it.  It looks like I'm going to have my chance.  (When the time comes a few months down the road for me to start collecting sponsors, I will post the link.  Prepare to click and donate, peoples.  I'll post plenty of photos for you to see the fruits of your labor after the deed is done.)
They say it takes 30 days to establish a habit.  I'm thinking that 365 days will make this one stick.
I'm hoping you'll come along with me for the journey.


Anonymous said...

O My Dear Mel!!! I am so excited for you and this new year! I have also made it a personal quest to NEVER live in fear, and NEVER make a decision based on fear. It changed my life. Now, I didn't shave my head for it, but I will sponsor you, so count me in. And the lipstick...I wear it EVERYDAY to prove to myself that a SAHM can still be hot, even if the only people that see it are 2, 4, and 6 years old, LOVE YOU!!

Kjersti said...

I LOVE this idea! I'm excited to hear about how it goes for you!

Redneck Mommy said...

What a fabulous idea!

Kudos to you.

I'm not brave enough to shave my head. But I like to think I face my other fears head on.

You set a shiny (soon to be bald) example for all of us.

krizzo said...

Good for you! I can't wait to see you go bald, that will be.a hoot. I hope your year is everthing you hope it to be! Ken

Allie said...

You are fabulous. I can't wait to see what this year brings you.

Elan Morgan said...

You are being featured on Five Star Friday!


You're a hero. Love this idea. Love you for participating. Here's to fearlessness... and wearing lipstick sometimes. :)