Sunday, April 05, 2009

Awesome Things About Turning Thirty.

1) I finally feel like a grown-up.  Well, not entirely... but at least I don't feel like an overgrown teenager any more.  But, lest I despair, I did get carded when buying Big Daddy a bottle of single-barrel Jack yesterday.  I made sure to tell the check-out girl "Thank You!"

2) The Year Without Fear starts TO-DAY.  I'm celebrating by making a huge pot of Oatmeal and having breakfast with my family.  Not that that's something I'm afraid to do. Well, not totally afraid, anyway. (Have you ever SEEN small children eat oatmeal? It's enough to turn the hair white. Let's just hope we keep it off the ceiling.)

3) Big Daddy swept me away last night for a romantic dinner for two at the new local restaurant that constructs its entire menu around locally sourced ingredients.  They change the menu up every few weeks and have an incredible chef who I am now fantasizing about kidnapping and forcing to be my personal Food Goddess for the rest of eternity.  Calamari with bleu cheese dipping sauce (I normally HATE bleu cheese, but I wanted to bathe in this.) followed by marinated hanger steak (medium-rare, of course) with caramelized onions, three-cheese polenta, and braised greens.  We shared a bottle of the most amazing Cabernet from Chile over dinner, and then I was treated to the Best. Creme Brulee. Ever.  If I could have? I totally  would have shrunk down to an inch high just so I could roll naked in it. It was THAT. GOOD. (And you're welcome for the visual.  It's my little birthday gift to you. heh.)

4) Did I mention that today marks the beginning of "A Year Without Fear"?  Because today we're taking the boys to see Monsters vs. Aliens (all 3 kids. To a movie.  I am slaying dragons over here, people!) And also my embrace of healthier eating.  I figure at 30 I'm entitled to set rewards for myself for losing 3-babies-worth of weight, too, so after 10 pounds my friend Sarah and I get to make a visit to the Shrubber.  After 30 pounds I'm getting my new tattoo.  After 50 pounds I'm gutting my wardrobe and starting over. My new wardrobe will contain ONLY pieces of clothing that I love, because life is too short to surrender to the frump.

So share my birthday joy with me, internets.  And don't forget to ride along with me and maybe dive into fearlessness this year, too.


C. L. Hanson said...

What? You're only thirty?! OK, now I feel old. ;^)

My husband turned forty a couple of weeks ago, and -- like every year -- I got the pleasure of thinking, "Well, at least I'm not as old as him..." ;^)

And that is so cool about having a fabulous local-foods restaurant nearby. I'm jealous! I'd like to increase the proportion of local/seasonal foods in my diet, but I hate cooking.

Kristen M. said...

Happy 30! I have two weeks until 34 which is at least not 35!

I also decided to have a "move forward" kind of year this year. I always talk myself out of doing things and this year I'm talking myself into doing things. It's been slow but rewarding. Good luck on all of the hot newness!

Kerri said...

Happy Birthday. Sounds like an exciting day and an exciting year to come. Can't wait to see the new tat.

Kjersti said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm so excited to hear about everything you fearlessly do this year. I hope you post often because reading what you have to say inspires me to be fearless, too! (But not completely. Didn't you say you're going to answer the phone without worrying about who it is? No way, man. That's too much for me.)

Shannon said...

Happy Birthday Mel! I love you! I tried to call your house tonight but you must be out. Call as soon as you can and tell me about your big day! Again, I love ya and hope that 30 is wonderful!

Allie said...

Sorry this is late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I can't wait to see what this year brings for you.
I love you.