Thursday, June 18, 2009

Know what would cheer me up right now?

A free trip to BlogHer courtesy of Ford, that's what.
What with the layoff earlier this year and the month or two without a paycheck, we found we just couldn't scrape the funds for me to go off on my GirlTastic adventure again this year.  
Last year's BlogHer conference was... well, it was just effing brilliant and (beyond the odd drama here or there that had nothing whatever to do with me) it was the most positive experience I have ever had with a group of women.  And a HUGE group of women, at that.
My roommate last year was the incomparable MochaMomma.  How I managed to bamboozle her awesomeness into sharing space with yours truly will remain a mystery.  I also got to get to know her daughter Mallory, who is also spectacular.  It was an embarrassment of riches.
In fact, it was not unlike taking the hottest guy in school to the Junior Prom, only to find yourself alone with "Beaches" and a box of Twinkies come Senior Prom.  And it does feel like Senior Prom this year; I'm over my extreme anxiety of last year, I'm not pregnant this year (so I could enjoy the parties without having to keep a bathroom and a sitting place in the immediate vicinity at all times) and I've been doing this blogging bit for.. uh... like 6 years now.  (HOLY CRAP.)
So in order to get myself extra entries, I'm telling you about this Ford thing.  All you have to do (if you're registered with BlogHer) is read about 3 fuel-efficient Ford vehicles and then leave a comment letting them know which one you would choose to take on a road trip.  How awesome is that?  Extra entries are granted for tweeting about the contest (which I will do momentarily because HI! I IZ FREE STUFF WHORE!) and blogging about it (which... Hi! STILL A WHORE.)
So do me a favor and - whatever you do - DO NOT ENTER THIS CONTEST.  That leaves more chances for me to win, after all... and, really, isn't it all about what's good for me?

Monday, June 15, 2009

This Is Not The Post You Are Expecting.

So there's a lot that I could say here.  I could tell you at length (with funny little anecdotes and wry asides) about the adventures we've had lately.  I could regale you with the story of how I lost my mojo, about how I got more and more tired the past few months until I can barely keep my eyes open during the day, but get a raging case of insomnia at night.  I could tell you how I get winded just tying my shoes, and how getting up in the morning has become something to dread.  I dread it not because I am depressed (I'm not! Life is good!!) but because I know I will wake and rise as exhausted (if not more so) than when I lay down at night.

So I went to the doctor and I got some blood work, and when that comes back I'll be making more appointments with more doctors and - long story longer - it's probably my thyroid but just as likely something else, or maybe I am simply out of my gourd and have a drastic case of The Vapors.  Your guess is as good as mine at this point.  But we're leaning towards thyroid.

And with that, May I present -- The last few weeks: A Photo Essay.
Preschool Class Field Trip to the Zoo.
My little Glam Rocker.
Soccer Super Star

New Haircut.

Kindergarten Graduation

Visit with Grandpa & Grandma
End-of-year Class Party with Teachers.
Growing bigger all the time.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

A Funny Thing Happened

Turns out the mag charger isn't as indestructible as you might think.
Turns out that it's not as easy to find a replacement out here in the sticks as it ought to be.
Turns out that weeks later I got used to not having access to the interwebs.  I've been busy doing things like watching my little man graduate kindergarten and making a wedding cake.  And that's just the tip of it.

So I've been away. And now I'm back. And while I'm too tired tonight to put together a coherent retelling of the past few weeks for you, I promise one will be coming soon.  Probably it will mostly be pictures.  I know you won't mind.

Cheers and see you soon.