Turns out that it's not as easy to find a replacement out here in the sticks as it ought to be.
Turns out that weeks later I got used to not having access to the interwebs. I've been busy doing things like watching my little man graduate kindergarten and making a wedding cake. And that's just the tip of it.
So I've been away. And now I'm back. And while I'm too tired tonight to put together a coherent retelling of the past few weeks for you, I promise one will be coming soon. Probably it will mostly be pictures. I know you won't mind.
Cheers and see you soon.
I noticed the wedding cake on your site earlier this week, but it wouldn't let me leave a comment there--it still won't. Anyway, I think your cakes are amazing. You rock.
I'm so glad you're back! I look forward to more of you excellent posts, pictures and all!
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