Monday, July 27, 2009

Things I Did Instead Of Going To BlogHer This Year.

Kidlet #1, the indubitable Jack, celebrated his 6th birthday this week.  

There were plastic Groucho glasses and stick-on mustaches (these are "villain costumes" in case you were wondering how, exactly, all this fit into the Batman theme.)  Don't try to argue with a 6-year-old determined to have mustaches at his birthday party. (Then again, why would you want to? I mean, honestly.)

These are the most delicious cupcakes I have ever made.  

They also happen to be the most delicious cupcakes I have ever tasted. They have made me more determined than ever to find a way to open my bakery, even if it takes me 20 years to get there.

I had a cake job this week for a guy's 27th birthday. He is into comics, so it seemed appropriate to do the first appearance of Superman...

So it wasn't all doom and gloom as I missed the fabulous festivities (and apparently some serious bad juju from some overly-schwag-obsessed bloggers. Seriously? Someone ELBOWED her baby. To get schwag. Ruminate on that a moment, won't you?)  Plus, BlogHer '10 has been announced, and it's going to be in NYC.  East Coast, Hollah!  And yes, I will be there.  With cupcakes!

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