Thursday, October 01, 2009

The Life List: An Intro.

Maggie over at MightyGirl is one of my internet heroes.  She can make absolutely anything seem stylish and fab.  She makes just existing look like more fun than a human being should be allowed.

This year she was awesomely (and deservedly) fortunate to have Intel sponsor her to accomplish 10 items from her "Mighty Life List".  You should go read about it here, it rocks.

It has inspired me to start thinking about my own List.  I've never been a great goal setter, but part of this process of facing my fears and becoming a bigger, better person has been learning to do just that.  A list of goals that have no definite time deadline, just "Things I Will Do While I Am Yet Living" appeals to my new desire to be goal-oriented, as well as my incurable need to daydream.

SO! Without further ado...

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