Monday, November 15, 2004

Chaos and Destruction [ARCHIVE]

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.....
- The computer pukes and loses all my email
- The hard drive crashes and takes with it many many important files
- Jack gets a cold, gets better, then gets a seriously high fever at 6pm on a Sunday (103.5F), necessitating a trip to the emergency room and an all-night mambo of rotating motrin and tylenol

BUT the good news is... the wireless internet is working (in spite of the other computer wonkyness) so I can update you on all this... and Jack appears to be on the mend, thanks to continued analgesic therapy and some very powerful amoxicillin. Heartfelt thanks go out to Dr. Jordan at Jefferson Memorial, who didn't look at us funny when our kid had an ear infection so severe we had to be dim-witted not to notice it sooner. Once we explained that his arm could be on fire and Jack would simply cackle madly and give you an eskimo kiss, Dr. Jordan was very kind and didn't seem to look on us as The Worst Parents In The Universe(tm).

SO... we are trying to get things in order, get the little man all better, and get ourselves back to an even keel... which won't be easy since Trip is currently in bed with a sore throat that descended upon him beginning at about 3 this afternoon. Hopefully it's nothing serious, and he will be feeling better tomorrow, or soon thereafter, which brings us to the next bit of news....

The Turducken has been ordered. I repeat, Turducken is incoming. Yep, the order was placed today for this cajun delicacy, which will shortly be wending its way to Lincolnton, NC, just in time for our Thanksgiving adventure down there in order to consume it. MMMMM For the uninitiated, Turducken is comprised of a deboned chicken with cornbread stuffing which is stuffed into a deboned duck, which is then put (along with some cajun sausage) into a mostly deboned Turkey (they leave the wings and drumsticks for presentation). This whale of a meal is then carved into slices and served up as the main course. It's a first for the Kistler family, and I'll report back on how it goes over.

Oh, and before I forget... a BIG thanks goes out to Kerri, Brian, and Abby for having Jack and I down to their new Charlottesville pad. The house is awesome, the property is beautiful, and Cville coffee may just be my new Mecca. Thanks for the yummy brunswick stew (which was awesome, in spite of the "gumbo incident") and for the General Tso's chicken... you can't beat good chinese takeout. Jack and I appreciated the adventure and the break from our routine. It was great to see you guys. Next time, we'll have to bring Trip, too.... and we can't wait until you can come see our new place, too!

And on that note, a very tired but hopeful me is headed to bed.

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