Friday, January 21, 2005

As the new year rolls on.... [ARCHIVE]

So do the multitude of changes in our lives. Yesterday, the cable installer came and officially changed us from DSL to Cable Modem equipped people. I'd like to point out that the DSL was fine for our purposes, but the Cable Modem is, by comparison, SMOKIN' HOT FAST!

I updated the photo album yesterday to include the last 3 months of Jack photos, so you may go feast your eyes on his glory. The child is unstoppable -- he repeats everything he hears. This is, of course, a nice way of keeping us conscientious in our language.. but the real point of this revelation is to say that my heart officially turned to a puddle of melted goo yesterday. My son, probably having no idea the meaning of the sounds he was making but melting my cardium in my chest none the less, looked at me and repeated "I Love You." I can't describe the feelings that ensued, but the kid may have internal bleeding from the tightness of the snuggle he received in response.

Last night, with the cable modem whizzing away, Trip installed our new Voice over IP router. This means that I was able to FINALLY tell Frontier to "take this crappy, overpriced, highway robbery you call phone and internet service, and stick it where the sun don't shine!" Well, I was much more polite than that, and the woman in customer service actually struck up a very friendly conversation about kids (hearing Jack in the background) and didn't argue with me when I told her that I wanted, lock stock and barrell, to have our short union with them anulled.

The phone is working just great... in the office. I tried to have my mother call me today only to realize that the ringer was turned off. Jack and I will be making a trek to Staples today to get the little piece of equipment that will force the signal throughout the house. This will allow the upstairs phone to work, which is a very good thing since, to Jack, the office is the baby equivalent of the haunted forest. Do not enter, do not pass go, and if you do somehow manage to get him in here be prepared for the unholy screams of protest.

Speaking of unholy screams of protest, I had better get a shower before he wakes up from his nap. He and I have errands to run! We are expected to get enough snow to close down the town (which apparently doesn't require much) followed by enough snow to actually keep reasonable people indoors... so we will be stopping by the grocery store to get enough supplies to get us through the weekend.

If anyone needs to reach us and doesn't have our new phone number yet, please email me and I'll send it along.

Until next time....

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