Friday, September 09, 2005

In the beginning....

Somebody insane created the blog, and now I have this unholy forum in which to express myself. Ain't life grand? Well, according to Barbara Bush, our president's mummy, it's apparently working out very well for... THE HURRICANE EVACUEES. I'm not going to wax philisophical on this one... the incredible lack of comprehension speaks for itself.

The downstairs is now 99% painted (a few touch ups needed, and the trim will eventually get a fresh coat of white semi-gloss). Is it truly nesting if I am preparing the house with such reluctance? I thought nesting was supposed to be accompanied by this burst of energy???

Oh, and it has been established that Jack has The Fear of a small stuffed owl that was made for Trip by a thoughtful (if bizarre) navy wife when he was born. He actually climbed out of his bed, plucked it off the floor, tossed it out his bedroom door and closed the door firmly behind it... before climbing back into his bed and settling down for his nap. I have to admit, though... the owl kinda scares me, too.

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