Thursday, August 17, 2006

In Which I Do Not Detail Our Sexploits.

Even though I already got my anniversary gift (sweet digital camcorder) and we're planning to attempt to go out to dinner on Friday to celebrate "officially", it seemed like a waste to let our anniversary go by without somehow marking the actual day.

I decided to surprise T when he got home last night with a mini-celebration for the two of us.

I bought a so-so bottle of champagne (neither one of us is a big fan of the stuff, but it seemed only apropos for the situation to have it) I picked up some strawberries and a bar of fairly nice, espresso infused, dark chocolate. After I grated the chocolate into the double boiler and slowly melted it down, I carefully dipped each of the strawberries. Popped them into the fridge for an hour, and they were set.

I bought a boquet of red roses, stripped them of their leaves, and arranged the in a cut crystal vase. Once a few candles were lit, and the champagne, glasses and a tray of glistening berries were set out, the scene was set.

When T finally rolled in from his grand adventure to Colorado at 10pm last night, he was full of stories about mullet wigs, hiking mountains, and being surprised with the work group with tickets to the Journey/Def Leppard concert at Red Rocks. It made for a feast of grown-up conversation while we lingered over his welcome home/happy anniversary suprise.

After we polished off the berries and the champagne, we headed up to bed.

I would love to tell you that I'm stopping the story here because we proceeded to stay up all night having wild monkey sex. Or that we talked until dawn and fell in love all over again.

But, you see... we have children. And though we may seem young and full of vim and vigor, once you have kids... it's all an illusion. You basically throw in the towel and start aging in dog years.

So you will understand when I say I would like to tell you that I'm protecting your delicate sensibilities by ending the story here.

The truth? Is much more pedestrian.

We fell into bed and, totally knackered from the past few days, fell instantly asleep.

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