Wednesday, January 17, 2007

And A Time To Every Purpose...

So as I recover from The Plague(tm) of 2007 and begin to peep, in charming, prairie dog fashion, out from behind my candy-colored pity party, I find several key points to ponder.

1) Paint. Changing the colors of ones environment quickly evolves into a sick obsession; once the door is opened on the sheer god-like control of it all, well... that power cannot be easily surrendered. I may need to check into a twelve step program soon. Right after I answer to the stair well -- it's begging to be coated in a smooth layer of Glidden's "Creme Brulee".

2) Skin. My epidermis is showing, and it is in open revolt. I have an appointment with my friendly family physician in the morning, at which point I am fully prepared to hear her say something along the lines of "OhMyHolyHellWhatInTheWorldAndYeeHaw!" as she glimpses the horror that is my face. At first, I thought they were a couple of cold sores. Then? They bred. Like rabbits, they mated and spawned and filled the canvas of my freckled face.
Truth? Methinks that perhaps the stress is beginning to have just a weeeee bit of an effect on my person. Ed McMahon, if you are listening? I could totally use that 10 million and a life of leisure. My disfigured face thanks you, my husband thanks you, and my children will thank you when the nightmares have ceased.

3) People. People are something of an enigma for me. I don't do well with them, and they seem generally baffled by me. You might call me "quirky" but you would be understating it. You might call me "eccentric" but I lack the requisite trust fund to rate that particular adjective. At the end of it? There are those who "get" me and those who don't, and I really need to learn to let go of the inevitable disappointment that comes with realizing that one of my friends really doesn't "get" me.

4) Sleep. I must either get more of it, or get more books on Da Vinci so I can figure out how to be more like him and learn not to need so much of it. Oh, and also? I must figure out how to get my children to do it much more often. 5:30 is an ungodly hour to be awake and demanding to watch "The Upside Down Show", even if I am weirdly obsessed with Shane's strangely perfect-shaped bald head. When the pre-dawn wake-up and USD Show demands have spanned several weeks in a row? It's time to break out the tranquilizer darts and consider suspended-animation beds for the munchkins. If you don't believe me? YOU try attempting to navigate a universal remote in the dark before coffee.

That's pretty much it. I'm sure I have pondered other things, but really.... how could they compare to these questions for the ages? Unless, of course, someone has discovered a useful purpose for belly-button lint. Then? My mind will be blown wide, once again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you. No Upside down show before 6 in the morning. I think getting up that early calls for something truly relaxing, like baby einstein - i.e. the dvd's with lots of colors and peaceful music.

btw - I hope the meds for the virus kick in soon.