Thursday, January 18, 2007

The One With All The Herpes

So all these red things on my face that look like horrific cold sores? Turns out they're actually.... horrific cold sores. Huh! Go figure.

Apparently my respiratory virus plus oodles of yummy life stress equals a rampaging herpes simplex the likes of which has never before been seen (outside a dutch brothel, anyway).

Well, okay, that might be overstating it just a bit. I mean, really... it's only 10 or so ugly, weeping, crustules painfully scattered across the landscape of my face. See? Not so bad when I put it that way, hmm? What's that? Oh, I'm desperately sorry... no, I wasn't aware you were eating. My bad. Totally.

Long story short? T, the best husband in the known universe, picked up my prescription for Valtrex from the pharmacy - because apparently the same drug is used to treat the facial outbreaks as the sexually transmitted ones.

So T officially gets to be known at the local (small town) pharmacy as "that guy whose wife has got The Herpes".

Oh joyous day.


Kimba said...

If this is any consolation....

I once had the herpes thing. Except instead of on my face, they were in my throat. I didn't eat for over a week. Didn't even want to swallow my own spit.

So much detail? I know. :) Sorry 'bout that! Hope it goes by quickly!!! Little buggars, aren't they? At least they have medicine!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea the implications of all this until about 1AM last night when she said 'No'.


Unknown said...

That is so funny that he had to pick up the medicine! Did it bother him? I wouldn't want to do it!

Sara said...

God bless the husband! You poor thing, sorry Saturday did not work out :( We were looking forward to it, gotta re calculate :)

Mocha said...

Which means, of course, that no other woman will go after him. I mean that in a good way.

Anonymous said...

I just got two right in the corners of my mouth. Somehow, they make me look like the Joker. Thank the gods I can wear makeup in winter!

In other news, I saw someone yesterday who was T-in-high-school's double. It was unnerving.

Anonymous said...

You need to update your blog... otherwise everyone will follow the link to discover your herpes.

Thanks for the nomination, sister!


MommyHeadache said...

Your husband sounds awesome...and I admire your sense of humor. It's good to know you can laugh in the face of everyone in town who thinks you have herpes.

Anonymous said...

Oh, man... he picked up that medication for you? Damn. I thought buying tampons was bad. He's definitely a few levels above me.

Although, I'll never understand why anyone was ever afraid to buy condoms. Hell, back when I was late teenager, I'd go to the store to buy condoms just so people would think I was gettin' some...

Good luck with the Herpes.