Monday, February 05, 2007

Did I Not Mention I Was Taking A Vacation?

Oh no no, not a real vacation. Just a "Blogation" as it were. Things have been so insane, so ridiculously busy, that I actually managed to misplace my blogging bug for a bit. But
Fear Not, devout, adoring masses. (*cough*)

Why, just this morning I got to remove a 14 inch strip of pig hide from the dog's rectum. WITH MY HANDS.

SEE? I'm full of all kinds of thrilling adventures to share! You can rest assured I will continue to thrill you with such anecdotes as "How I ate a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast, and topped it with the very last of the smoked salmon, and how I feel absolutely no guilt about that."

Oh, and the Chai-Spiced Coffee Creamer? Sounds heavenly in theory, but I have found it is not-so-much-heavenly in the actual consumption. Ah well. A drop or two combined with (look away Mocha) .......powdered creamer (from WalMart, no less. I'm an insult to coffee lovers everywhere, ain't I just?) and the Chai stuff is at least somewhat palatable.

Ah well. My afternoon Toffee Coffee from Barney's Coffee and Tea Company pretty much made up for it. I sipped it while the boys clamored about the indoor play area at the (not-so) local mall. I also shelled out the 3 bucks so the boys and I could take the 3 minute "train" ride on the mini train that drives around the ground level of the mall. They loved it, and my feet loved the rest.

All in all? A good day. I capped it off by purchasing a pair of funky black pants from the Suburban Mom Uniform Supply Company (also sometimes called "Old Navy"). They're cute, they were on clearance for $6.97, and if you squint really hard and turn your head to a 41 degree angle they even make my bum look almost perky. Also, it might help if you are legally blind... and perhaps brewing some cataracts. But I'll take what I can get. And... Hey! New Pants!

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