Tuesday, February 06, 2007

You Don't Know How Lucky You Are.

So I had typed up a very explicit retelling of the ordeal with the dog and his rectum yesterday, but it appears that blogger has more sympathy for your sensitivities than I do. The whole post somehow got eaten, and I am left staring at a blank page at oh-dark-thirty.

I should be sleeping, but I have been panting over my Stylehive bookmarks, attempting to get some good stuff up there in a vain attempt to be worthy of the listing they gave to AlternaMom on their blogroll. I'd link to it, but my internets tubes are apparently clogged, and I'm too lazy to look for a direct link on the google at the moment.

Did I mention that it is snowing? Like REALLY snowing? We've been instructed to expect upwards of 5 or 6 inches by morning, and just an hour or so away there was apparently a Thunder-Snow-Storm which lasted 45 minutes or so. I've never seen lightning in the snow, but I suspect it's one of those things I would regret missing if I gave into this assinine urge to go to sleep and maintain my sanity. So, I've been sitting here on the sofa, just listening in the silence for a muffled crack of thunder.

Time to surrender, though, or the next "crack of thunder" I hear will be the dog barking at me to put him in his bed... or it will be T, barking at me to get myself into bed.


Anonymous said...

There was a ton of snow here (around 6 inches as well) but no thunder.

In fact, I've never heard of thundering snow storms. wow.

Anonymous said...

Next time you have snow up your way, could you all go outside and blow really hard so that it turns down here? This winter sucks.