Tuesday, September 04, 2007

And Then I Shaved The Cat's Rear End.

The long weekend was much more desperately needed than I realized. We took as much advantage of it as we could, grilling out for the first time in weeks, taking the kids to one last outing to the pool, and wandering the mall for a few hours. It had been years since I slurped on an Orange Julius, and - good grief - did I forget what a sugar rush those suckers cause.

Stressed is an understatement for what I have been feeling lately. First came the smiley-face-and-legal-threat-filled email from a woman demanding I change the name of my portrait business. She felt it was too similar to hers, which is patently ridiculous but, in light of the drama with the HOA last year, I'm in no hurry to ever get involved in a legal case again. So, bingo, name changed.

Thursday, a kid from the neighborhood comes around raising money for the local baseball team. Apparently they were invited to the Tokyo invitational, and the fundraiser was soliciting donations to pay for books for the pediatric unit at the local hospital. I was in the middle of putting Toby down for a nap, and the kid pointed vaguely down the street - "My folks, do you know Kathy and Dr. X?" "Nope." Kid continues. I'm tired. I feel guilty enough that I write him a check for the lowest donation amount. I put Toby down, then get on the internet and double check the kid's story.

Yup. You guessed it. Total fabrication.

So this morning the company gets an angry phone call from me. Apparently, I have until midnight tonight to postmark a cancellation, and they'll return my check. Also? If I enclose a "statement" about the lying piece of crap sales guy who fed me his cock-and-bull story? They'll "put it on file". Yeah. Thanks for that.

And in case you're not done hearing me whine? Poor Cassie, our long-haired cat, has been getting horrid snarly knots lately. We've been cutting them out one at a time as we found them, but lately they've been coming fast and furious. So, today? I shaved her butt.

Officially? I am not in the greatest of moods today.

There is, of course, only one solution. The boys and I? We require ice cream. STAT.

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