Thursday, September 13, 2007


I survived. That's what I can tell you about this week, y'all.

Jack had his first day of preschool Monday. It was kismet - he and his school were meant for each other. Of course, it doesn't hurt that his teacher told me - after the first day - that she fell in love with him instantly. I'm totally okay with my kid being teacher favorite at this age. Note to self: be sure to give her a nice gift basket for Christmas.

T headed out for 2 weeks in Singapore, and now I'm just getting into the rhythm of the pick-up/drop-off routine and trying not to lose my mind being a "single" mama.

Of course, it helps that Toby naps during school times, so there are actually 2 quiet hours in my afternoon now. Today, I got the dishes done, moved some furniture, and still had time to rest my weary back for a few minutes before I had to wake Toby up to go get Jack with me.

It's a living, folks. But, all is not routine and dreary 'round these parts. Stay tuned for tomorrow, wherein I provide photographic evidence of the Pumpkin Pie I baked from scratch. Photographic is the only evidence available since, of course, the pie was consumed in a family orgy of gluttony. Pumpkin Pie is T's favorite, and with the exception of a sugar overage in the particular recipe I tried, I think he might have been reborn in the lightly-spiced goodness of the gourd.

I'm trying again tomorrow with a lower-sugar recipe and the remainder of the pumpkin that I baked and mashed. And if it happens to disappear in the next few days? Well... we'll just pretend we're all mystified by that.

And by "we", I mean you, me, and my hips, of course.

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