Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Noto Photo and Feh-Brew-Airy

I know I have been extraordinarily slacking on the posting front lately, and I can only claim Seasonal Exhaustion as an excuse.

February is always a horrendous month for me - a month of moping around the house and generally feeling the gloom of the many, many days without warm sunshine. I checked the camera the other day and realized I haven't taken a decent photo of the kids since Christmas. CHRISTMAS, people!

It's as if, after the long January, by the time February stretches out into the longest-shortest month of the year, all my get-up-and-go of the holiday season finally got up and went. If you see it, please pass along the message that I'd like a little energy back.

The pregnancy is not helping.

Neither is Jack's cold virus, or his double eye infections. And you don't even want to hear about the relative armageddon of attempting to get antibiotic drops into his eyes to combat the green ooze that regularly trickles out of his sockets and down his cheeks.

Of course, it is March now. March! A new month. So why do I still feel so ... well... February?

My solution, of course, is a simple one. I made an appointment to get my hair cut. Also, I suspect a pedicure is in my near future. (Feet sticking to the sheets? Not a good sign, y'all.)

SO, after a few more days of rest and maybe a little pampering, I hope to return to you in all my wry glory. Also, hopefully there will be new photos before the kids go off to college.

Also, also... Friday is our first doctor's appointment with the new OB. I promise a full report once he's done poking and prodding at my lady bits. Cross your fingers there's a nice, steady heartbeat. Also, for my sake, hope that they don't try to tell me I'm less than 10 weeks along because I might have to drown my sorrows in chocolate. With wine and beer totally off the menu, I am left with only chocolate as recourse. Somehow, as good as a lindor truffle tastes, it just can't compete with a nice, soothing glass of good Cabernet Sauvignon.

That, and if I could make it through to October and gain less than 50 pounds? That would be lovely (and unprecedented). So, there goes the chocolate idea.

Any good ideas for other ways to spoil myself a little? Haircut, pedicure... night out with the girls on Thursday (to eat some good barbecue before the reflux and indigestion put the brakes on even remotely spicy foods). That's about all I have come up with. Suggestions? Treats? Invitations to make use of your Tuscan Villa for a weekend?

Ready, steady, GO!


Marnae said...

Hello, you don't know me(wow what a creepy, pervy way to begin a comment) I know your sister S. I have to suggest you get a massage, immediately. I am a huge fan, especially during pregnancy. P.S. I am going to be stalking your blog because you are hilarious and witty and just what I enjoy in my blog stalking. So don't go and make this blog private, even though I wouldn't blame you after my intro.(creepy)

T. said...

Canned Message HERE:

"Barack Obama and I are committed to changing the political process by building a campaign built on a broad base of support from ordinary Americans.

I've set my own personal fundraising goal for the campaign, which you can see in the thermometer to the right.

Will you make a donation to help me reach my goal?"

My REAL Message:

That canned message is a bit much. I don't know Barack Obama. That's silly. But what I do know is that I share his view in making a change in America. A fundamental break from our past, a realignment to meet the internal challenges that have been self-created and pressed upon us from external influence. These challenges must be addressed, remedied and resolved. Without a fresh voice, a new approach and dynamic leader who will draw upon the strength of the unified citiizens of this Country we will continue down a declining path.

Would you join me in supporting Barack Obama who will pull us out of where we are and into a future we can all be proud of? He's no angel, no messianic figure walking this Earth. He's just a good, trustworthy person who will apply his many gifts in changing this Country. Please join me and help me acheive my donation goal of 500 dollars.

For our Children, our Country and for the bright future we know we can capture.

