Monday, May 19, 2008


The hormones are raging, my head is pounding, and it's raining AGAIN. And I am so very done with the rain.

These are the distractions that assault me.

Also, my children have been fighting like two cats in a wet sack for THREE DAYS now, and if anyone knows where I can find a roving band of gypsies who want two kids for cheap? Please to be sending me the linky. (Although my friend Danny DID send me this creepy link. Which I really hope is a joke. It has to be a joke.... Doesn't it?)

But, no, at the end of the day I'm sure the sun will eventually come back out and the actual summer will replace this disgraceful display of flip-floppery by Mother Nature. (So much for my "Mother Nature for VP!" bumper sticker idea) And I'm sure my children will eventually re-emerge before my eyes as the darling small humans I birthed. I'm guessing that will happen about the time the sun comes up and I reintroduce them to the wonders of the Swimming Pool. Somehow all that chlorine seems to evoke a state of euphoria in children. Maybe they can intensify the effect with the addition of ice-cream-flavored cooling mist or something. Someone should study this phenomenon. (Hey, if they can figure out how to get vanilla flavoring from cow crap...)

So, in lieu of anything useful to add to the grand exchage of information on these here interwebs, allow me to present someone else's Very Useful Ideas to stimulate greater brain-thinking for your Tuesday.

P.S. I'm sure my melancholy is also in no way related to the fact that mah preshusss baybeeee is graduating from preschool tomorrow. NOTHING AT ALL, YOU HEAR??

P.P.S. It is becoming intensely clear that we have reached the all important "Why Do They Not Make Pregnancy Mood Stabilizers Because OH MAH GAWD?!" phase of pregnancy number 3. This also seems like something the brainy science-types might want to investigate. So far, the only chemical help I have found involves several pounds of chocolate, which isn't really much help at all. Someone scientific get right on that, okay? I mean, honestly, people - vanilla extract from cow dung. Oh, and also, apparently, This.

For the record, while I enjoy Spicy Goodness as much as anyone, I'll stick with my epidural thankyouverymuch. But I wouldn't say no to This as a little adjunct pain relief because, well...DUH.


Tim Walker said...

Thanks for the funny post (and for the thoughtful CNN link) - I can only sympathize from a distance about the pregnancy, but I'm right there with you on those times when the children get, for lack of a more precise term, pissy.

I'm also sending your blog address to my wife; I think you and she would have SO much to talk about. :)

Shannon said...


You continually crack me up! Thanks for listening to me whine over the phone this week. Really I am better now. Just needed a good cry.

Hang in there with this pregnancy. Your baby is lucky to have you for a mama.

Call me soon (promise I'm done crying) and love your buns.
