Thursday, August 21, 2008

Really Good Excuses...

Here are two of the very good reasons why, even when the internet decided to work (thanks dude whose spotty but entirely unsecured wireless allowed a few quick interludes with the internets) I didn't manage to communicate with the outside world from the beach.
Tobin ponders life's imponderables.  
Like is it really gross to pee in the ocean? I mean, the fish do it...
Jack... providing a very clear example of why I find myself frequently replying
"No, he's not of mixed race.  Unless you count German and Scots as mixed..."

I did manage to participate in 2 rousing games of scrabulous online.  I was tired and needed a distraction besides the 5 awesomely trashy romance novels someone kindly left behind at the beach house.  Yes, 5.  My brain is so full of a jumble of slutty lifeguards and sexily earnest cowboys it's a wonder I haven't made Big Daddy do some dress-up role play with me.  I call dibs on the role of jaded-but-secretly-romantic executive with the hots for his secretary.  Honey, prepare to take some dictation -- if you know what I mean.  And you know you do.


Lara said...

i gave you an award! come see! :)

Velma said...

LOL! Nothin' is better when you are already brain dead than a little simplistic fantasy lurvin' - cowboy, businessman, college professor. Woo hoo!

BookBabe said...

We prefer the hot librarian and naughty patron who's great at checkin things out (if you know what I mean...and I know you do :) but needs to be punished because he can't seem to turn things in on time :) HA