I casually mention to Big Daddy that I recently read an interview wherein Miss Fox admitted to being something of a nymphomaniac.
BD: "Huh? ...Really."
Me: "I wish you could see your face right now."
BD: "What?! I mean. Um. That's just... uh.. interesting, that's all."
Me: "Mmm-hmm..."
(a moment passes)
Me: "Are you sweating?!"
BD: "Uh. No! I mean.. no." (wipes a hand across his brow)
Jack: "Daddy, are you pouring your drink on your head?"
BD: (pause) "Yes, Son. Yes I am."
Yep, just another typical Saturday night in the Casa De Aum. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go hose down my husband. I believe he may have spontaneously caught fire in the next room.
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