Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The Frump is Catching.

Redsy posted about feeling the frumps.  Apparently it's catching, or at least a symptom of Fall, because here is the view of your hostess this morning:
Pregnant, frumped to the gills, and also appearing to sport a lady combover? I swear that's just an illusion caused by flat hair.  
There's so much going on right now I could write about, that I should want to write about... I mean there's a hurricane run on the gulf coast, McCain picked a VP running mate, we just got through a bought of baby stomach bug (poor Toby. He's all better now, though!) and, hallo, Obama speech at the DNC!  
But the sad truth is that I am tired.  No, I am exhausted.  I am ready to have this baby and regain the ability to see my feet, let alone put on shoes without assistance.  I am ready to sleep on my stomach again, to stand up without the aid of a crane, and to go more than an hour without the necessity of stopping for a pee break. 
There's also a distinct possibility that I am slowly tipping down the other side of the peak and heading back into depressed territory.  I recognize it, I'm discussing it with my doctor, and I'm preparing to take appropriate measures to head off the meltdown.  
In the mean time, though, I'm trying to regroup.  I'm working on writing a few letters and touching base with a few friends before the baby gets here.  I'm trying to get the house in order and figure out the logistics of life between now and the holidays so that I don't get totally overwhelmed in the crush of it all.  We're trying to get a babysitter so the hubs and I can get a night out alone together before the baby gets here.  (We haven't had a real date since.. umm... hrm.  Yeah, it's been a while.)
So forgive me if I'm not on top of things for the next while.  Finding the Zen in our particular Zoo requires that immediate reality take precedence over reality of the virtual kind even more than usual. And if you wander away, just check back from time to time.  I promise I'll be back to form eventually.  


Redsy said...

"Lady comb-over" Thanks for the laugh pretty one... I think I'm going to do a FRUMP DIARY starting today.

I of course think you look adorable.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Mel. We have all been there! You are fantastic, and I wish my lady comb-over was as sexy as yours :)

Roseytoesies said...

Iiiiiii miss you!~ Also? Upon reviewing your adorable belly photo, I have discovered that we have the exact same arms. And almost the same boobs! 'Tis awesome. Hang in there, you're almost done. I on the other hand am only halfway there and am not okay with this at all. I already have feet and butt cheeks jamming into my ribs and he'd BETTER look at least a little like me or I'm sending him back with the reciept. That's an almost promise. I'm so excited to see your little man and hear your birth story!! Almost time!