Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Are we there yet?

So after the doctor's appointment on Monday wherein I still had no cervical progress, my OB took pity on me and said "Okay, let's schedule that induction".
I heard the words "Tuesday night check-in and Wednesday induction" and nearly wept with joy.
Then the chi-chi hospital Birthing Center (where I had Toby and determined to have this baby, too, even though it's almost an hour away because it is just that posh, people) broke my fragile little heart by not having any openings.
No openings until Sunday night.
Which means that I will be induced Monday morning.  Which is also a full 2 days past my due date, which makes me want to weep again.
BUT.  But at least we have a date, peeps.  Monday! I'm having a baby on Monday!  And hopefully he won't be so huge by then that he won't fit through my delicate pink parts.  (And to the Lady Who Did Not Know Me at Walmart who decided to tell me I was "for sure having at least a 12 pounder! - you can suck it, Lady.  Keep your opinions to yourself. Unless you want to tell me I look fabulous and, by the way, did I know that I also smell really nice? Because THAT is all you are allowed to say to a pregnant woman you do not know unless you want her to get medieval on you.  If she could actually do that, anyway, but I'm too pregnant to lift this economy-size pack of toilet paper and swing it over my head to bash you with so JUST GO AWAY ALREADY!)
Phew.  Okay, so I feel a little better now.  Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
Now I just have to figure out how to fill some hours between now and Sunday night.  You know, some stuff that's more fun than the laundry and vacuuming that I need to do anyway.  So far? I have decided to work on neglected crochet projects and maybe bake some cookies.  Yes, my own ambition impresses me as much as it does you.  (*cough*)


Anonymous said...

You mean you're almost 40 weeks pregnant? Really? You must be having a very small baby because you don't look like you're possibly that far along.

And what's that lovely smell? Is that you?

Kerri said...

Hurray, the end is in site and you get to add a sapphire to your mother's ring (which you may not be a fan of, but I love 'em) and your kids will be two years apart in school because I'm sure these were the first things that went through your mind. Don't mind the crazy aunt.

Kjersti said...

Good luck with everything! I can't wait to see pictures of your newest boy! His brothers prove he's going to be absolutely adorable!

G said...

9 years ago, when I was 9 months pregnant and waddling back to my office after lunch, a woman approaching me on the sidewalk stopped and said "Whoa - Big Baby!". I almost decked her. Right there on the streets of Boston. Baby or no baby. The only thing she could have done worse was to put her Ker-POW!!!!

Good luck with your induction and new babe.


Aerin said...

Congratulations! When I was pregnant with twins, at 28 weeks, some kind soul exclaimed "You must be ready to go at any time!" I said, no, I'm 28 weeks along with twins, I sure hope I don't have them any time soon.

Best of luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Its fall premiere time! Plop yourself in front of the boob tube and fry your brain on all the season openers before you have another little bumkin calling the shots and taking charge of your schedule!

Happy Labors! :)

Issa said...

I'll tell you, sometimes threatening them with indcution makes them decide to be born.

Also, don't fret. The docs told me mine was over nine and a half pounds and random people on the street said, oh I bet he's 11 pounds. 6 days overdue, born on Thursday and only 8.6 pounds.

I hope you have an easy birth. Good luck!