Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ground Control To Major Tom...

Where have I been, you say?
Well, nothing like interrupting the second week of Kindergarten for this:

"This" being a fractured left clavicle.  On the playground at school.
So there was that, which was obviously awesome.  We'll be spending one afternoon a week at the Orthopedic Surgeon for the next few weeks so the injury can be x-rayed and monitored.  The good news is it should heal up in about a month.  Or so they tell me.  
Then there's the contractions, which come frequently but without sufficient strength or regularity to actually count as "Labor".  They do, however, have enough strength and regularity to leave me exhausted.  Yesterday they also seemed to be indicative of labor, but after an hour or so on monitors at the hospital the nice nurse assured us that, no, this baby is not quite ready to make his appearance and all that uncomfortable squeezing? That's just baby warming my body up for the real thing. Which could be tomorrow! Or, you know, a month from now.  Because the baby wants Mama to lose her mind.
And then Toby, poor Toby, has suddenly forgot how to sleep through the night.  This morning found him climbing into our bed at 4am, and by 5 he and I were downstairs watching Oswald episodes off the DVR.
So pretty much that's where I've been.  Aren't you thrilled that you asked?


Kerri said...

yep, glad i asked. good to see jack doing well. tell toby you have plenty of sleepless nights in your near future. He doesn't need to give you any practice.

Robin said...

GAH! I finally remembered how to log in so I could comment!

Sorry about the wee Jack, and that it happened when it did. I'm supposed to have lunch with Big Daddy T on Monday, but I will happily relinquish the privilege if Awesome Kid 3 decides to make his appearance. Just so you know.

Anonymous said...

Oswald on the DVR would have been enough to send me screaming in the opposite direction. I can't get used to Fred Savage as an octopus.

Poor you. I hope the sucktastic-ness ends soon.