Sunday, September 28, 2008

One Last Look Before I Go.

I woke up this morning with a strange sense of peace. 
Also with the realization that I really, really had to pee.  
And so it is that this, the final day of this pregnancy, begins.
The boys and I are celebrating with toasted-coconut donettes while Daddy has one final opportunity to sleep in before he has "big kid" duty for the next 2 weeks.  Me? I'll be the one passed out with a baby attached to one nipple.  (I'm suddenly imagining the google searches that last sentence will no doubt invite, and it would be funny if it wasn't so sad.  *insert Jedi Mind Trick wave here* "This is not the porn you are looking for".)
I'm going to go ahead and recommend that nobody expects to see anything in this space for the next few days - unless of course Big Daddy is feeling ambitious and decides to post some photos while I'm in the hospital.
Thanks for all the love and well-wishes through this pregnancy - especially this last month.  My sanity has been kept just barely in check some days, and it's always nice to have the emails and comments cheering us on.  Even better than a caramel latte - and if you know how I love my coffee then you will appreciate the profoundness of that statement.
And so, dear internets, for the moment I will bid you adieu as I head out on this next leg of our Adventures in Baby Making.  
See you on the flip side, my peoples.


Anonymous said...

Happy Labors! I hope Milo makes a super duper quick appearance. Can't wait to meet him! :)

Shannon said...

I love you, Mel. My thoughts will be with you all day tomorrow!

Love ya girl!

Unknown said...

I've been thinking about you and can't wait for an update!

And I'm SO hopeful you'll be well & feel adventurous! :0)

Yay, AumBaby!

Roseytoesies said...


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo, I am 2cm dilated as I type this so who knows!!