Thursday, September 25, 2008

Or "Why I Obviously Need More Therapy".

See, I've developed an obsession with Facebook.  Which goes well with my addiction to Bloglines and Twitter, especially since the internet is the only thing that induces me to actually talk to other humans on many a day. 
And if you didn't already know I tend towards the reclusive, HELLO and welcome late to the party.
So the ADS on Facebook.  They have, so far, been wickedly in tune to my brain.  I think they're using some sort of advertisement brain ray to suck keywords from my brain.  Remind me to start wearing a tinfoil hat when sitting in front of the computer.
Today I was minding my own business, absently perusing the status updates while I waited for my video to load, when I started seeing ads for birth announcements.
Well Crap.
This is the part where I confess that I have not once, not even for second, given any proper thought to what I am going to do about birth announcements.  
With the first two babies I was ambitious and creative and made my own.  I am, after all, supposed to be a photographer.  Linen paper and a good printer was all it took to come up with something I could distribute with abandon.
That was then, y'all.  
Now? Now I am desperately trying to live up to the expectation I set that I would not be one of those moms who lets the third kid get lost in the shuffle.  And the internet is making it so very easy to create fabulous birth announcements in a range of lovely designs, and at the cost of only about half the kid's college education.
So you see, Uncle Sam... before you go giving a huge check to these silly failing banks, PLEASE understand that the $2200 cost per citizen?  I already have that earmarked for printed paper products.  Because I am a good consumer, and also because I am high on estrogen and popsicles... and spending unholy amounts of money on something pretty trivial seems like a preferable alternative to actually, you know, making something myself.
Thank you for your attention to this vitally important PSA.  We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.  At our house, this means Noggin.


T. said...

I hereby suspend your pain.

Fiesty said...

Hi there! Found you through Kirsten's comments. Had to laugh because I am not due til Feb and am already thinking announcements.
Lisa at treefrog customs is awesome and really reasonably priced. I highly recommend her!
Good luck with Monday!!! Labor vides your way!

Fiesty said...

Sorry...for the record I know she's Kristen but I have a Kirstie on my head. I'm not crazy I promise!

jen said...

so excited to hear the news.