Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More Than You Needed To Know

Because my brain is appropriately scrambled, allow me to share the jumble of thoughts and events with you.  (Also, please notice that I did back-post Weekend Exposure again.  Because all the cool kids are doing it...)
Let's see.  Where to begin? 
How about "Big Daddy got laid off and then I went to Utah and then, oh, I'm opening an Etsy shop!"
There.  That's the neat summary for anyone who doesn't want to read further. 
Still here?  Good!  Okay.  So, yes, Big Daddy T did, in fact, face another layoff when the company that bought his employer basically got rid of his entire division.  That's the bad news.  The good news is that they are doing everything they can to help him move to a new position within the company while he also pursues every available opportunity.  Friends have come out of the woodwork to help him find a new job, for which we are eternally grateful.  It's awesome to have friends who worry almost as much about our little family as we do.
So, while the job search was on, I had a previously arranged trip to Utah to attend to.  Milo and I boarded a plane, and then another plane, and finally landed in the City of the Great Salt Lake.  When we left DC the temperature was in the low single-digits, so it was actually nice to be someplace in the 30's and 40's.  It was even nicer to be with family, and Milo predictably charmed his way into hearts across the board.  I went to a Sundance party, met the president of the Utah Sundance Commission (she was lovely, by the way) and some other very cool people, and was officially banned from the game SceneIt by my older sister after winning too many times in a row.  (Because I am the Queen of Useless Trivia, which is not as prestigious as it sounds. I'd much rather be the Queen of Bloomingdale's... or "Queen of Everything" or perhaps "Queen of anything other than Useless Trivia". )  
Any-who, Gumbo was made and devoured.  Dancing was done and laughter was had.  My 46-year-old sister got hit on by a 25-year-old from Las Vegas who thought she was 28.  Oh! And then my 3 sisters, my sister-in-law, and I pretended to be the polygamous sister-wives to my brother-in-law in order to avoid the attentions of drunken Utah rednecks at the club we went to.  So there was that.  And yes, it was as ridiculous and awesome as you would imagine. (My sisters? They're hot.)  When you get that group together, I am somehow the least wild of the bunch.  And, yes, I realize that - that right there? - that's a frightening concept.
So as they were discussing their behavior and giggling madly, I happened to casually remind them that I HAVE A BLOG.  And the silence that followed, it was deafening.  Of course, I wouldn't be so heartless as to post the photographic evidence of actual family in the act of Letting Their Hair Down. (Especially family in possession of photos of my youth that could doubtless be used for purposes of blackmail. So far they've resisted the temptation.) It was tempting.... but I forgot about Karma.
Karma was listening, and decided to teach me a lesson for my evil thoughts by disappearing my camera at dinner the last night of my trip.  As went the camera, so went every photo of our adventure.  All my photos of family with the baby? gone.  All the pictures of my sisters and I bonding? gone.  The video of the flamenco guitarist from the Sundance gala? Gone.
You get the idea.
So while that was a sour note to end my adventure, it was quite probably the best visit I have ever had with my family.  I also got to hang out with Dr. Allie and the Amazing Wonder Steve, and went with them to celebrate Dr. Allie's Wicked-Cool Sister's Birthday.  Dr. Allie has one of those families that makes their own fun and has so many in-jokes that you can't help but get swept up in their magic.  Also, they invented "Pass The Baby" which is maybe the best party game ever that doesn't involve nudity.
With many hugs and well-wishes, friends and family and various beloveds said our adieus and Milo and I were sent back towards home. (Leaving out the part wherein I braved 7 hours of fly-time travel, one plane change in Denver, and a fussy baby.  Both ways.)  
Oh, and I might have watched OUR NEW PRESIDENT take the oath of office from the Salt Lake City airport.  Also, I might have shed a few tears of happy shock when the airport crowd burst into spontaneous whooping and applause.  It was a moment I'll remember the rest of my life.
And then? And then I came home and started making baby shoes.  Because I am crazy! And - hello! are you new here? - I am really crazy!  
And now crazy has an Etsy Shop!  There's nothing in it yet; I'd like to have a few things finished so I can put them all up at once instead of one at a time.  But! I will also take requests!
Items that friends and strangers on the internet can purchase will include:
Baby Shoes
Leather-soled Baby shoes for new and practicing walkers
Jester hats
Personalized Initial Super Hero or Heroine capes
Crochet hats of various varieties and colors
Crochet fingerless gloves/arm warmers
And probably other things I have not thought of yet.
Other than the yarn items (which obviously require new materials) all fabric items are made from repurposed fabrics! Because I am eco friendly! And maybe also because I found a really awesome corduroy jacket that was several sizes too small at a thrift store, and decided to make it into a pair of booties because the pattern was so awesome.
So without further ado, I present: Sweet Cheeks Cupcakery.  There will be a few items up by early next week, so stop by and please don't let the fact that my husband is suddenly unemployed guilt you into buying more environmentally friendly, adorable stuff than you need. (Only let it guilt you into buying exactly as much stuff as you need. heh. Shame people, I have none.  What I do have is a mortgage and a husband, 3 kids, one very large dog, 2 cats, and 2 Betta fish who expect to be fed semi-regularly.  So, you know, I'll totally whore myself out work crafty magic for your dollars.  Hey, how about a photo? Here are the shoes I made for my Niece and her Brand Spankin' New Baby Boy:
So thanks for letting me promote myself there, briefly. And don't worry, we're keeping our spirits up.  Every time Jack asks a thoughtful question about President Obama, I smile involuntarily.  Watching the snow plow clear our street as we get our first real snow of the year? Another smile.  Hearing the kids burst into spontaneous rendition of "Party in my tummy" from Yo Gabba Gabba?  .. you guessed it - smile yet again.
We're going to get through this, even if we come out the other side with nothing but a smile and each other.  Cheers!


Rebekah said...

Wow. Best of good luck and many smiles. Your shoes are adorable. I miss proximity to Sundance and the reliable chuckles from a good Polygamy joke. Hope your camera magically turns up. Wish I'd seen UTAHNS cheering for the new president.

That's my off-the-cuff. Love your blog.

Roseytoesies said...


Kjersti said...

I love what you said about my family! It's going into my blank book! I'm sorry that you lost your camera. I'm really glad I got to see you, though, and sweet Milo.