So there's a lot that I could say here. I could tell you at length (with funny little anecdotes and wry asides) about the adventures we've had lately. I could regale you with the story of how I lost my mojo, about how I got more and more tired the past few months until I can barely keep my eyes open during the day, but get a raging case of insomnia at night. I could tell you how I get winded just tying my shoes, and how getting up in the morning has become something to dread. I dread it not because I am depressed (I'm not! Life is good!!) but because I know I will wake and rise as exhausted (if not more so) than when I lay down at night.
So I went to the doctor and I got some blood work, and when that comes back I'll be making more appointments with more doctors and - long story longer - it's probably my thyroid but just as likely something else, or maybe I am simply out of my gourd and have a drastic case of The Vapors. Your guess is as good as mine at this point. But we're leaning towards thyroid.
And with that, May I present -- The last few weeks: A Photo Essay.
Preschool Class Field Trip to the Zoo.
My little Glam Rocker.
Soccer Super Star
New Haircut.
Kindergarten Graduation
End-of-year Class Party with Teachers.
Growing bigger all the time.
Such cute pics, Mel! Hang in there. Oh, how I know that kind of fatigue! And, Double Oh, (thats Oh, Oh)how I know the crazy of running a household with three little ones when you can't stay awake long enough to finish folding a single load of laundry! Good Luck lil Sis!
I love the pictures and your new haircut! And like Jocelyn said, HANG IN THERE!
Mel, your haircut is awesome! You look great! Let me know what the doctors find out--k! Love you!
I'm so glad you went for the tests. Please- call as soon as you get your reports back! Those pictures are great! Love you much.
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