Monday, June 30, 2003

An-ti-ci-pay-ay-tion... [ARCHIVE]

Patience is not a virtue in large supply at our house. Any news on the aforementioned "Big News!" topic will have to be delayed until at least tomorrow. Yes, I know this is unfair and cruel. We are in the same boat. It's not fun to have someone else pulling the strings of our respective destinies. Please join us in a stare of disapproval in the general direction of Washington, DC. Meanwhile, we will be attempting to channel (*insert very patient saint's name here*) to keep from going insane while we continue to... yes, wait.

To continue in that vein, there are still 3.5 weeks until the estimated delivery date of the little bean. Yes, we are walking and feeding me lots and lots of spicy food. Thus far, I have indigestion and swollen ankles.. but as of yet, no baby. We're hoping maybe the fireworks on Friday will scare him out. If not, we're fully prepared to begin the psychological war by strapping headphones to my belly and inundating him with old Donnie Osmond hits. That would scare us out, anyway.

Check back soon for something more interesting than the above. Again, I'm really very sorry. I'd love to be able to tell you something more exciting. I can make something up if you like, but with everything exciting that is ALMOST happening to us, it would seem a bit silly at this point. Thanks for standing with me. Now go away before I am tempted to start singing "Kum-ba-yah".

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