Monday, July 14, 2003


It's amazing how the time flies and before you know it whole weeks have gone by and you realize you forgot to update the news section... Not that this refers to anyone in particular.. *cough*....

OKAY! So to sum up, T is once again in that station known as "Slave to The Man" and he couldn't be happier to be so. He started his new job today as a Sales Engineer. We'll let you know how he likes it once he has a chance to settle in, but just to reiterate for now.... OUR BABY'S DADDY IS EMPLOYED!!!! Hazzah!

Speaking of babies, no we haven't birthed any yet. I finally finished working for the time being, and I am now finding new and exciting ways to fill my time while I wait for the contractions that signal the impending arrival of our little one. Some of these ways are more exciting than others (The vacuum cleaner is not as appealing as the computer at present, but hopefully that nesting instinct will kick in any time now..) I am currently focusing on the lofty daily goals of having a shower, breakfast AND lunch, and keeping the house in enough order that T won't be able to say he made a better housewife. (Though there's no contest that he is the better cook.... Oh how I will miss his gourmet dinners... *sniff*)

That is all the update for now, but check back soon.. this baby can't stay in there forever. (or so my OB tries to assure me...)

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