Wednesday, July 23, 2003

The Countdown Begins.... [ARCHIVE]

I went to the doctor today, and after some discussion and review, I am all set to be induced tomorrow morning! That's right... we will be going to the hospital tonight to get all prepped, I will spend the night there, and at approximately 9:15am tomorrow morning, the pitocin drip will get started. Sometime in the following 24 hours or so, we will be having a baby!!!!

This will probably be the last update for a little while... We will be at the hospital until at least some time late Saturday. Friends who would like to stop by, please do so - but we would appreciate if you could wait until sometime Friday so I have a little time to recover after the delivery. I'm a little bit vain like that. I know - you love me anyway.

SO! Break out the (chocolate) Cigars, and everyone send T good coach vibes... he's all ready (which is to say nervous as a cat and entirely terrified of the experience before him) to coach me through this delivery. He's going to make an INCREDIBLE daddy.... and we are both ecstatic to finally meet our little addition. Jack, we'll see you soon!!!!

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