Monday, July 21, 2003

No News is No News. [ARCHIVE]

No Baby Yet.

Okay. That took care of why 99% of people were checking this section, so beyond that... well, there's still no real news. The next doctor appointment is on Wednesday afternoon. The current plan is that I'll be induced sometime between July 31 and August 5. The problem with this schedule? Now that T is employed, we would like to get on the nice company insurance plan, which is preferable to spending close to a thousand dollars a month (*gag*) to continue coverage under our current plan...the catch is that we can't switch until after the baby is born... .SO.. unless Jack decides to be helpful and come join the world before then, we are feeling a little depressed at this prospect. This has brought us to 2 conclusions.

1) Our OB practice is very likely entirely too conservative in their approach to getting this baby out ...


2) Insurance Sucks. A Lot. The entire concept that if we switch now the delivery and such would not be covered by our new insurance (which our current OB does not accept) seems beyond ridiculous...really even beyond ludicrous... but what can you do? Simple: nothing. Don't you love being totally without recourse? Yeah. Us neither.

T survived his first week at the new job, and is learning to be back at work again. They are keeping him busy, and in the mean time I am still learning to be a housewife between trips to the bathroom. (Isn't pregnancy wonderful?).

Stay tuned for further updates as we head toward D-Day..(delivery day.. at least in theory..). 3 days and counting...

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