Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Functions of the Bodily

Some Updates on things not appropriate for casual conversation:

- Potty Training has officially begun in earnest. Jack has been running around sans coulottes for 2 days now, and so far has used the potty a grand total of 6 times. Hooray!

- I woke up Sunday morning with a sore throat, which has progressed into a raging head cold that is slowly consuming my entire body. The mucus. My God The Mucus.

- Toby has not pooped for 2 days now. When this situation resolves itself it will be, you can be sure, an event of volcanic proportions.

- It has officially been 3 days since I had a shower. I thought I was getting the chills, but it turns out my body is just violently rejecting the filmy coating. My one and only goal for the afternoon is to get both boys down for a nap by 2pm so I can stand under a scalding shower until I pass out.

- I need a very strong hot toddy. And a very long nap. And I'm just praying T will get out of the office early so I can get these things before the cold takes over entirely and forms a symbiotic phlegm life form in my chest cavity. It could totally happen.

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