Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Work it on out...

I made it to the doc, and we upped the dosage and scheduled a follow-up in another month. It was much less painful than I feared, and the boys were angels. Of course, it didn't hurt that the nurse had the brains to put us in the "Sesame Street" exam room. Big Bird, Elmo, and the rest of the gang gazed down on us from the wall mural. After naming each one of them (which is amazing, considering I don't believe he has ever actually SEEN Sesame Street) Jack settled down with a whole basket of Strange Toys, which everyone knows are better than Your Own Toys.

From the doctor's office, we piled into the Malibu and headed back to town. Somewhere along the road, I made up my mind and made a detour for the local Gym. T and I have been kicking around the idea that I should join a gym, and seeing as how this one also provides childcare while you work out, it was the natural choice. Throw in the "$1 sign up fee" coupon we got in the mail yesterday, and I was hooked.

I have my first of "3 free" sessions with a trainer scheduled, and now that the money is spent I'm locked in. SO, from now on, I will be hitting the gym as though it were a job. I should be dreading it, but for the first time in while.. I actually feel hopeful on many fronts.

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