Monday, May 15, 2006

Mama And Her Day...

Mother's Day started early around here, as I crept out of the house on Saturday evening for a quick haircut. Just a trim, I'm still deluding myself that I can actually grow it out this time without giving in to the periodic urge to chop it down to scalp level.

While I was out, I also popped into the new Home Depot to scope out lawn mowers, since ours finally gave up the ghost. Found a decently priced one, noted it for T, and headed home. T went back out and purchased said mower (after he verified that it was actually a decent one) and brought us home some Burger King. *belch*

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Toby and I slept in until about 8am, then lounged in my bed for another hour or so until T came up to call me to breakfast. A plate of chipped beef on toast and scrambled eggs with hot coffee... stick to your ribs goodness!

I spent the rest of the day in some form of lounging: playing Crazy Taxi with Jack while T mowed the lawn, watching some really awful Jennifer Lopez movie on HBO, and generally taking advantage of the fact that I could be useless for a whole day without guilt. Well, not entirely useless -- the kids got fed, diapers were changed periodically, etc. But it was nice to give my tired brain a rest.

After Jack went to bed, we watched the obligatory Survivor Finale (Terry so got robbed) followed by part 1 of the Grey's Anatomy season finale. So yeah, you really don't need to ask where I'll be tonight. 2 hour season finale. The phone will be off the hook, and I intend to have cup of chamomile tea in my lap because, you know, nothing goes better with cool melodrama than hot chamomile.

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