Saturday, May 06, 2006

... and Potty Every Day

Last night we were watching our Tivo'd Survivor episode when Jack announced that he had to go potty. He does this periodically, and we're past the point of paying much attention quite yet since usually when we offer to actually put him ON the potty he quickly changes his mind. But, just in case, we've had the little plastic training potty in the kitchen for a few weeks now.

So, T looked over at him and, with a shrug, said "Okay. Go potty."

So, Jack walked upstairs, pulled down his pull-up, and sat on the potty. Then he peed. And some of it even made it into the potty. The rest may have ended up on the floor due to things being pointed in the wrong direction, but we didn't care.

You would have thought the child had just found the equation for the unified field theory and documented it in his alphabet soup - the way we were cheering and dancing, I'm sure the neighbors will be giving us curious looks for a while.

But there you have it, folks. My kid peed. In the potty.

And so, the rest of our lives begin.

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