Thursday, June 29, 2006

Remember When....

...I said I was going to post more regularly? I may not have mentioned before that when it comes to what I think I can accomplish, I am a terminal optimist. But, here I am, so at least I haven't totally slacked off.

Tuesday night I went out to dinner. With the girls. And left both kids at home. With Dad.

This may not seem like a big thing, but it's only the second time in the 8 months since Toby was born that I have been all alone out in the world. It was really, really good to find out that underneath all these layers of "Mom", I'm still just little old me. And a glass of Pinot Noir still tastes better in a restaurant with good friends.

The time away refreshed me for the week with the boys, who I swear have made it a point to be twice as cute as usual this week. Case in point: Jack was running around the living room, burning off a little excess energy and shreaking like a monkey, when I channeled my father and told him to "cool his jets". Without missing a beat he halted his monkey-chatter long enough to chirp "What? You want a piece of me?!" as he ran right past me.

The kid better make me a fortune at stand-up comedy, that's all I can say about that.

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