Monday, July 03, 2006

The Toxic Crusaders...

Reference to a really screwed up 90's cartoon show, by the way.

So the hoodoo virus is back. Or some variation thereof.

Jack spent yesterday morning alternating between puking into a towel and demanding waffles. By noon, after sipping on peppermint herbal tea for about an hour, the vomiting had ceased and we gave in and made him a whole-wheat toaster waffle. And then another. As of today, so far, so good.

What IS it about this time of year? The rain finally stops, the sun comes out, and everyone is too damn sick to get out and enjoy it. You'd think that all the time spent outdoors would clear the system of the germs that festered all winter, but apparently not in our case.

The one bright spot in the past 24 hours? With the exception of one wake-up at around midnight for about ten minutes, Toby slept for EIGHT WHOLE HOURS last night without a feeding!!! My boobies were a'hurtin' this morning, but it was for a good cause. The bags under my eyes lost at least a pound or two, and for the first morning in a long time I didn't wake up looking 80 years old. (I'd say not a day over 50!) HOORAY!

Random Weigh-In Update: 10 pounds down, only 40 to go.. *cough*

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