Thursday, July 27, 2006

Blogher Blues

So while I'm sitting on my sofa this morning, watching Toby figure out how to climb over obstacles (it's my own little baby boot camp of sorts) and reading Sweetney, I'm doing my best to forget that Blogher is only days away and I will be here. Scrubbing toilets, mopping floors, and wiping butts. Instead of lollygagging around California, squealing like a schoolgirl, having mind-altering conversations, and drinking way too much.

There's really nothing to be sad about, though, right? RIGHT?! I mean, it's not like anything terrible is happening this weekend. Just nothing great, either. See? That's not so depressing. ...*sigh*... Or so I will continue to do my level best to convince myself.

On the brighter side? The last week I have been down again, wondering if I need an adjustment of meds or perhaps just an extra session in Therapy. Today, though, I'm feeling a little better and I may even venture out with the boys. Because, ya know, it's just about August and it seems like a pertinent time to actually realize that IT IS SUMMER. Yes, I know... shocking. But that bright stuff? Out in the Big Blue Room? It's Sunshine. Yeah, it was a revelation for me, too. Somehow, I managed to spend 90% of the last 2-3 months indoors. Which explains my total lack of pigmentation, and perhaps also the downward trending of my mood.

Our planned trip to Nag's Head next month could not be more timely. Of course, vacations never go quite as planned, but with an entire week to find relaxation time I'm bound to get at least one hour of total sloth time, relaxing on the sand and listening to the ocean. I haven't heard waves crashing into shore in waaaaay too long.

Random Note Of The Day: I managed to reconnect with one of my nieces of late (Hi Andrea!). It's a little bizarre that the 4 eldest of my nieces are actually closer to my age than any of my sisters. Even more bizarre??? She's married with a snugg-a-licious baby boy of her own. And one of these days, we will have the chance to sit down in person and, over a bottle of Cabernet, talk about the long road to here. That's enough to bring a smile to my face, even if I'm not in California. And that's really saying something.

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